Design and Practice Leadership

What does it mean to lead an A+D practice today? And what does it take to be a firm leader? Who is part of the team leading the firm? What are the leadership team roles? What processes and tools do we need? What are the strategies around leadership transitions?

I work with leadership teams to curate approaches to these questions and to acquire leadership skills. The skills an A+D practice leader needs to master span from knowing who they are with its limits and opportunities to building and leading BRAND / FINANCE / OPERATIONS / DESIGN teams to stewarding firm culture and to staying on top of best practices.

Often overlooked in the visioning process is succession planning, including for firm founders, an exit strategy.  Long-range planning for A+D firm leadership transformations include adding new leaders early on to expand, and evolve, the firm’s viewpoints, ahead of a firm leader’s retirement. In doing so, these new leaders will have the runway to put their skin in the game in a way that makes them fulfilled.

Communication is key to any and all of our interactions. My extensive skills in communication and negotiation avails my client’s efforts in establishing enjoyable and healthy work environments. 

On a practical level, clients benefit from my ability to introduce and connect them with others.